Tax Preparers
Tax preparation paperwork includes a gold mine of personal data for identity theft criminals. Everything from social security numbers, income details, and W2s to details of bank accounts and assets depreciated could be mentioned in form or the other on a tax return. Sensitive business related financial details may be included.
Even when the client provides their tax related paperwork in person using paper copies, some missing document or added detail may have to be later sent by email. In person visits are not practical for every signature and update, even when serving local clients.

Tax time can be stressful enough by itself. Do not let security issues and identity theft risk add to your clients’ headache.
With an Encyro account, sensitive documents can be sent and received securely and easily. In fact we believe, sending documents using Encyro is easier than email attachments, since documents are transferred immediately. No more email delays and missing attachments. And documents stay organized by client.
How Can You Use It?
You can manage your clients’ data securely and easily, both for email communication and for storage, simply by signing up!
When you sign up for an Encyro account, you receive an upload page,
, all setup for you.
You may add your photo and business logo to grow your brand. Your customers can confidently upload confidential
information here. And all those documents stay nicely organized by client for you.
See the complete list of benefits.
Free Trial
Experience the ease of use with a 14-day free trial!
No credit card required. Your trial automatically converts to the free plan upon expiry, unless you purchase another plan.