How to Send Files and Messages Securely?

We wanted to securely share client files. So we created Encyro with the following features:
- Easy to send and receive
- No need for clients to create accounts
- Comply with FTC requirements for financial services (accountants, tax pros, mortgage brokers, lenders, financial advisors, retirement planners, appraisers, property managers, and others)
Email Is Not Secure
Which is why your bank never emails your statements.
In fact it may not even be legal for financial service providers to email their clients’ financial data. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires all financial businesses including accountants, lenders (including non-bank lenders), financial planners, tax preparers, credit counsellors, investment advisors, debt collectors, real estate settlement services, escrow and title services, and real estate appraisers to protect nonpublic personal information (NPI).
Specifically, the Gramm Leach Bliley (GLB) Act of 1999 and Safeguards Rule of 2002, both enforced by the FTC, require:
- Encrypting sensitive customer information when it is transmitted electronically via public networks
- If you collect information online directly from customers, make secure transmission automatic.
- If you must transmit sensitive data by email over the Internet, be sure to encrypt the data
Do you really want your business to be at risk in case of a customer complaint or email hacking incident?
You can secure your messages and files sent to customers easily using Encyro. Claim your 30 day free trial today. No credit card or payment needed.
You can send securely to any email address. You can receive easily as well with your custom branded upload page. Your client simply clicks the link to upload files securely. You can place the link in emails where you ask for any documents, place it in your email signature so it’s always easy for your clients to find, or add it to your website.
Compare Your Options
If you are comparing other ways to send data securely, check the following for all the options you consider:
- How easy is it for your clients? If it is not easy, clients will revert to email and your business will be at risk.
- How much overhead will it be for you? If you will be spending time creating client accounts, reminding them to sign up, and configuring folder permissions, that cost should be accounted for. With Encyro, folders are created automatically with the correct permissions when you send and receive messages or files.
- Will your data be encrypted when stored on the secure messaging provider’s servers? Many providers that claim security only encrypt it during transmission. If it is not encrypted when stored, then any data leak at their facility could impact your business. Encyro encrypts both transmitted and stores data. Encyro’s list of 16 layers of security is available here.
- Do they backup at remote locations? Maintaining an off-site backup ensures much better protection for your data. You do not want your data to be lost and your business disrupted in case of a severe weather event at your file sharing provider’s data center. Encyro maintains encrypted backups at data centers hundreds of miles apart for this very reason.
Encyro also lets you import your contacts from your existing email account. And you may not even need to create a new password for your Encyro account if you sign in to Encyro using your Google/Gmail or Facebook account.